Background: Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is new strategy for wound management that can be
helpful to accelerate wound healing in both acute and chronic wounds. The application of NPWT dressing
requires an understanding of how the therapy works and training in the use of device. Staff responsible for
dressing changes should have the appropriate knowledge and practice to ensure optimum wound care.The aim
of this study:To evaluate effect of educational program on nurses' knowledge and practice regarding negative
pressure wound therapy among patients with acute and chronic Wounds.Research design:A quasi-experimental
research design was utilized to conduct the current study.Setting: The current study was conducted ingeneral
surgery department at zagaziguniversity hospital. Subjects:Purposive sample of 60 nurses were included in this
study.Tools of data collection:Two main tools were used;Tool I-A structured interviewing questionnaire:
consisted of 2 parts to assess: 1) Demographic characteristics of nurses staff. 2) Nurses' knowledge about
NPWT. Tool II -Observational checklist to assess nurses' practice for applying NPWT
dressing.Results:Knowledge and practice levelswere found to differ significantly in relation to years of
experience. There was a highly statistically significant difference in nurses' practice between pre, post and after
3 monthsfollowingeducational program regarding to NPWT among patients with acute and chronic wounds.
There were statistically significant relations between levels of knowledge and practicePre, post and after 3
monthsfollowing educational program.Conclusion:Nurses' knowledge regarding to NPWTamong patients with
acute and chronic wounds showed obvious improvement and good practice after educational
program.Recommendations:Setup a project that aims to improve nurses’ performance by implementing
evidence based practice.Provision of guidance to staff nurses' caring for patients who receiving NPWT to
correct poor practices in the use of device and understanding of how the therapy works to ensureoptimum
wound management |