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Prof. Hala Abdel-Salam Mohamed :: Publications:

Effect of Developing and Implementing Nursing Care Standards on Patients' Outcomes Regarding Ureteral Stent
Authors: 1 , Marwa Mosaad Ali 2 , Soha Kamel Mosbah 1 Hala Abd El-Salam Sheta
Year: 2023
Keywords: Nursing care standards, Patients' outcomes, Ureteral stent
Journal: Egyptian Journal of Nursing & Health Sciences
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
Pages: 172-204
Publisher: Hala Abd El-Salam Sheta
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Hala Abdel-Salam Mohamed_5.pdf
Supplementary materials Hala Abdel-Salam Mohamed_5.pdf

Background: Ureteral stents are one of the most essential techniques utilized in the therapy of various urological disorders for preserving ureteral patency. Although they are highly effective, most patients suffer stent-related side effects, and some have problems connected to them that may be prevented by nursing care and conventional procedure. Aim: To evaluate the effect of developing and implementing nursing care standards on patients' outcomes regarding ureteral stent. Research design: A quasi-experimental research design was employed to attain the purpose of the present study utilizing a pre-/post-test technique. Setting: The current research was conducted out in three settings; the urology surgery department, the urology department and the urology outpatient clinic of university Hospital in Benha, Qalyubia Governorate, Egypt. Subject A convenient sample of 40 nurses of both genders who assigned care for the ureteral stent patients and a purposive sample consisting of 72 patients from the previously mentioned settings within nine months were enrolled in this study. Tools: Data were gathered using three distinct tools: (I) a structured questionnaire for nurses that asked about personal information and knowledge of ureteral stent management; (II) an observational checklist for nurses' practice; and (III) interviewing questionnaire for patients' assessments. Results: Total nurses' knowledge and practice level scores showed significant increase after the nursing care standards implementation. There was a marked improvement in total patients' outcomes as shown by a decline in mean scores for pain both immediately and one month after the introduction of the nursing care standards, there was a significant improvement in all patient outcomes. Additionally, there was an immediate and post one month of implementation statistically significant negative correlation between nurses' knowledge, practice, and total (ureteral stent symptoms and ureteral stent discomfort) of the studied patients, while it was statistically significant positive correlation before implementation of the nursing care standards (P=

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