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Dr. hana.bayuomi :: Publications:

Assessment of operating room occupational hazards risks in peri-operative nurses in Benha University Hospital, Egypt
Authors: Mahmoud A. Saleh , Mohamed H. Wali , Omayma Mahmoud, Hanaa Bayomy and Nashwa Nabil
Year: 2017
Keywords: Egypt; Peri-Operative Nurses; PON; Operating Room; OR; International Hazard Datasheet.
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: International Journal of Advanced Research
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper hana.bayuomi_Abstract JOEM.docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

Objectives: Peri-Operating Nurses are exposed to various hazards in Operating Rooms (ORs). This study aimed to identify occupational hazards in ORs. Methods: This cross-sectional study targeted all nurses staff-working in ORs in Benha University Hospitals, Egypt, from 1stMarch to 31stAugust 2016. Information on demographic data, work situation, occupational hazards in ORs was collected using an interview questionnaire. Results: The study recruited 167female nurses. Their mean age was 32.77±8.42 years. The majority of nurses was acquainted with the concept of OR hazards and reported that they were adversely affected by these hazards. The risk of exposure was high for radiation, blood and nosocomial diseases and significant for exposure to anesthetic drugs, latex allergy and muscle pain due to awkward positions. Conclusion: The complex structure of ORs leads to increased occupational hazards which affect operating room nurses’ health.

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