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Dr. Hanan Amin Ali Gafar :: Publications:

Effectiveness of an Instructional Module Application Regarding Ovarian Cancer on knowledge level among Infertile Women
Authors: Samah Mohamed Elhomosy 1, Doaa lotfi afifi elqersh2, Hanan Amin Ali Gaafar3
Year: 2020
Keywords: Effectiveness, Instructional Module, Infertile Women, knowledge and Ovarian Cancer
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Hanan Amin Ali Ghaafer_third.pdf
Supplementary materials Hanan Amin Ali Ghaafer_third.pdf

Infertility is increasing in the general population and more women are relying on assisted reproductive techniques (ART) to conceive. Based on previous research infertile women have a higher risk of ovarian cancer than women with no infertility related diagnoses. Nurse can play a vital role in infertility by strengthening women’s knowledge regarding infertility and related health hazard. Subject and Methods: Quasi - experimental design (pre-post intervention) was implemented to establish the study. Settings: This study was conducted at fertility unit affiliated to El-Husain hospital, Al Azhar University, Cairo governorate, Egypt. Sample: A purposive sample of (360) infertile women were recruited in this study (one group pretest-posttest). Results: The study revealed that there were statistically significant differences between pretest and posttest after implementation of the instructional module manifested by higher knowledge score for infertile women ovarian cancer. Where only1.1% of women had good knowledge score before application of instruction module while, 75.3% had good knowledge score after application of instruction module. The knowledge score increased by 74.2%) Conclusion: The instructional module had positive effect in improving knowledge level of infertile women regarding ovarian cancer symptoms, risk factors, measures of prevention and early detection. Recommendations: there was a necessity for program provided to nurses in all infertility centers focus on alerting infertile women to the alarming symptoms, risk factors, prevention and early detection of ovarian cancer

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