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Prof. Hanem Khater :: Publications:

Bioactivity of Essential Oils as Green Biopesticides: Recent Global Scenario
Authors: Hlanem Khater
Year: 2013
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: In: Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants. Vol. 37; Essentials Oils II, JN Govil & Sanjib Bhattacharya (Eds),
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: pp. 153-220.
Publisher: Studium Press LLC, USA,
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Hanem Khater_chap-6.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Plant essential oils (EOs) are produced commercially from several botanical sources, mainly from members of the mint family. Some EOs have been recognized as a natural source of pesticides as they have many compounds that adversely affect growth and development and alter feeding, mating and oviposition behaviors. EO- based pesticides find their way to the market and their stability can be influenced through microencapsulation or nanoencapsulation. EOs are advantageous due to their low mammalian toxicity, eco-safety, no development of resistance, low cost of the active ingredients, reduced number of applications, higher popularity with organic growers and environmentally conscious consumers, and suitability for urban areas, homes and other sensitive areas such as schools, restaurants, and hospitals. EOs can be used as an alternative to synthetic insecticides or along with other insecticides under integrated pest control management for pests of medical, veterinary and agriculture importance. Thus, essential oils could make their way from the traditional into the modern insecticidal domain.

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