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Dr. Hany Ibrahim Mohamed Ibrahim :: Publications:

BMPQ-1 binds selectively to (3+1) hybrid topologies in human telomeric G-quadruplex multimers
Authors: Chao Gao, Zhu Liu, Haitao Hou, Jieqin Ding, Xin Chen, Congbao Xie, Zibing Song, Zhe Hu, Mingqian Feng, Hany I. Mohamed, Shengzhen Xu, Gary N. Parkinson, Shozeb Haider and Dengguo Wei
Year: 2020
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Nucleic Acids Research
Volume: 48
Issue: 20
Pages: 11259–11269
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Hany Ibrahim Mohamed Ibrahim_NAR2020-11.501Q1.pdf
Supplementary materials Hany Ibrahim Mohamed Ibrahim_NAR2020supplemental_file.pdf

single G-quadruplex forming sequence from the human telomere can adopt six distinct topologies that are inter-convertible under physiological conditions. This presents challenges to design ligands that show selectivity and specificity towards a particular conformation. Additional complexity is introduced in differentiating multimeric G-quadruplexes over monomeric species, which would be able to form in the single-stranded 3 ends of telomeres. A few ligands have been reported that bind to dimeric quadruplexes, but their preclinical pharmacological evaluation is limited. Using multidisciplinary approaches, we identified a novel quinoline core ligand, BMPQ-1, which bound to human telomeric G-quadruplex multimers over monomeric G-quadruplexes with high selectivity, and induced the formation of G-quadruplex DNA along with the related DNA damage response at the telomere. BMPQ- 1 reduced tumor cell proliferation with an IC50 of ∼1.0 M and decreased tumor growth rate in mouse by half. Biophysical analysis using smFRET identified a mixture of multiple conformations coexisting for dimeric G-quadruplexes in solution. Here, we showed that the titration of BMPQ-1 shifted the conformational ensemble of multimeric G-quadruplexes towards (3+1) hybrid-2 topology, which became more pronounced as furtherG-quadruplex units are added.

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