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Prof. Hany Mohamed Amin Riad :: Supervised PhD:

Title In progress/Completed
- Eustachian tube functions in nasopharyngeal disorders. Completed
- Factors affecting the success of salivary gland transplantaion Completed
- Middle ear cleft evaluation after resolution of otitis media. Completed
Local and systemic effects of corrective nasal surgery for chronic nasal obstruction in allergic rhinitis patients Completed
Meatoplasty versus meatochochoplasty in open techniques tympanoplasty Completed
Evaluation of ototoxicity and effectiveness of local treatment in chronic supprative non-cholesteatomataes of otitis media in Children. Completed
Effects of functional endoscopic surgery on speech. -Mucocilliary function changes of the nose after inferior Turbinectomy Completed
- Bioglass implantation in tracheal stenosis. Completed
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