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Prof. Harby M. S. Mostafa :: Publications:

Improvement of irrigation management by center pivot system
Authors: H. Mostafa and H-H. Thörmann
Year: 2014
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
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Internal working report for the Institute of Agricultural Technology, Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute (TI), Germany. Irrigation systems have to be properly designed with a reasonably uniform water application with assurance of return of the capital invested, because their initial cost is very high. Another point to be studied is the management of the system. For instance, flow or pressure regulators are used to obtain within reasonable limits uniform applications of water from all the sprinklers operating in a field. They can overcome the problem of excessive pressure-head variations resulting from sloping surfaces and pressure-head losses. In consequence, mainly the sprinklers and sprays must be changed when they are out of order or lost the efficiency. This is the main objective of this study: to evaluate the installed center pivot system and make the essential changes and modifications for obtaining higher efficiency.

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