Two field experitnenis went carried out during winier seasons 2004(2005 and 2005/2006 isExperimenial Station or National Research Centre Shalakan District, Kalubta Govemniornie, Egypt Tite aim
of the slud was ini esa,nine the effect ol replacing NPK by bio-organic fertilization on yield and sis
components of wheat e.v Sikhs 93 Sown in ridges or in rows The ezperimeni included 10 treatments
which were the combinations of two sowing inrihods I- ta ridges 2- rows and five b.o..rganic and
chemical fcrtilisation treatments which were I. Recommended dose of bio-orgasme fertilizer 10 m3(fed
chicken manure and (cerraline) commercial product contain 4:ospulIk. sp, 2- 75% roc. bio-organic .
25% mcc, NPK 3- 50% roc. bio-organac • 30% mc. NPK. 4- 2$% roc. bio’otganic • 75% rec NPIC. S.
Reconnatended dose (100%) of NPK 73:31:48 kg/fed. The treatments were arranged in split plot design
en (our replicates, sowing methods in nain plots and fertilisation treatments in subplots. Combined analysis
used for ube two seasons. Data indicated thai sowIng wheat e.v Sikhs-93 in ridges surpassed iii rows for no. of tillers, spikcsim2. spike length; spike weight • grains weight/spike; grain; straw; biological yields
as hg/led; hariesi index %; peotcin; phosphorus and IC yields an kg/fed. On the other hand, sowing irrows produced taller platsis. heavier 1000 grains weight. Duc to fertilization treatments combined of 25
% mec. bin-organic fer,. • 75 % rec. NPK gave lite best results for all studied characters escept for plant
height. Interaction of sowing in ridges s 2$ S rue. bio.organiic feet. + 73 5 rec. NPK recorded ihc first ondee in atoll studied characters escept for grain; maw; biological, yields/ted, interaction of sowing is ridges s 100 5 NPIC was the bevi and ini rows a 25 5 eec. bio-organic (cr1. + 75 5 NPK produced the heaviest 1000 grains weight. |