Two field experiments wcrc carncd oui ai the Expenmenral Farm of
SajEha Research Statwn. Kafr E1-Sheikh Egypt during 1994/95 and 1995/%
wuflcr nason.c lnvesflgticm aimed to study the wheat culLivars (Sakha 8. Sakha
61 and Gu’ 163). seeding rat (40. 55 and 70 Kg/fed,) and wccd control
rrearmerns. Arelon (1.25 ،Jfeid), hiind weeding (twice) and unweeded on 4cnt
yield and its cvuiponcnts,
Results indicated that using Sakha 8 cultivar rcsultcd high spikes
numher/m2, number of grains/spike. grain and biological yield/led Whereas
Sakha 61 cultiva, recorded (lic highest mean values of 1000-grain neighi. spike
weight, spike length and number of spikeless/spike.
Increasing seeding rate signilicnntiy increased number of spikes/rn’
grain and bioJogical yield /fed. Ajebe Lrcatrnent greatly increased nuner of
spikes/rn3 1000-grain weight, grain and biological yields/fed compared by hand
wding Ueatmcut.
Wheat is one of the most important cereal crops in Egyp Increasing ITS
pmduion in Egyp cvuid be achieved by growing high yield well-adلpted
varieties acwwpanicd by optimiring wend co*trol treatments and scedilig ratch.
Diflcrence in growth habit and grvv6h raie of cereal cultivars art
continUed genetically. The light dynanuca in crop #and md cnnc nenil’ the
growth of wheat are affected by these characteflscs ( Verschwele arid Neimann,
1994). |