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Prof. Hassan Nafie :: Publications:

Coloring of Topaz after Irradiation
Authors: S Salama, AI Helal, MAM Gomaa, LI Abou-Salem, H Nafie, EA Badawi
Year: 2017
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Tenth Radiation Physics & Protection Conference
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

Raw topaz stone samples are subjected to irradiation by neutrons from the Egyptian research reactor and by γ rays from a gamma source. Changes in the color of the stones are observed which can be attributed to the formation of defects in the structure of the stones. The defects can absorb certain wave length which is observed as a change in the stone color. The absorption of light is investigated by an optical spectrophotometer technique at different irradiation and heating conditions. Raman studies of topaz stones ...

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