The research aimed to recognize about the effect of using the cooperative educational style and orders on the level of proceeding the basic skills of Judo sport at children of lodging foundation.
The researcher used the empiricism method with using the empiricism design for the two empiricism group (used the co-operative educational style) the regulator (used the orders style) the basic experiment achieve on (12) child that have been chosen with intentional way from children found in the foundation of nephews education that follow the red recent association in Sheben El Koom city then they divided to two group every group contain (6) children the researcher used in collecting data (applications- interviews- experiments- equipments) Then the data have been treated with using (the middle arithmetic- the normative deviation- the correlation coefficient of Berson- man Whitny test- Welkson test- the low fourth. The hight fourth).
Then the studies and results show that the empiricism group surpass when it used the cooperative educational style over the regulator group that used the orders style in the achieving level.