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Assist. Heba Mahmoud Mohamed Elish :: Publications:

Investigating The Impact of Urban Articulation on Human Behavior and Social Maturity among Adolescents
Authors: HM Elish, A El-Ela, M Samir, I Ghonimi
Year: 2025
Keywords: Social maturity - adolescents - urban formation - urban spaces
Journal: Engineering Research Journal (Shoubra)
Volume: 53
Issue: 2
Pages: 255-267
Publisher: Benha University, Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra)
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Heba Mahmoud Mohamed Elish _Investigating The Impact of Urban Articulation on Human Behavior and Social Maturity among Adolescents.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The value of social maturity is an important issue at the present time and has an impact on the future of societies and the sustainability of urban spaces, especially for adolescents, as they are the group most connected to outdoor space. The research aims to know the factors affecting the social maturity of adolescents, while applying these factors to different residential neighborhoods in urban articulation and knowing the most influential of these factors on the value of social maturity and the percentages of their influence. The research covers three study areas: (Rawd al-Farag neighborhood in Shubra - the seventh district in Nasr City - Al-Rehab), Moreover, the research amis to extract the various factors affecting the social maturity of adolescents, then study these factors in several residential neighborhoods with different urban articulations in order to identify the most influential factors on the value of social maturity among adolescents and the relative impact of each of them, In addition to study the relationship between the determinants of the urban articulation of the three selected study areas and social maturity by following an inductive approach to the theoretical background and a comparative analytical approach to the selected case studies through interviews, questionnaires, and urban monitoring tools aerial maps and cadastral. The collected data are analyzed using the statistical program SPSS (23). Accordingly, the research deduced the most influential urban and social variables that have a remarkable impact on social maturity among adolescents and identified the type of urban articulation that supports the standards of social maturity.

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