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Dr. Heba Mohamed Khalil El-khaiat :: Publications:

Evaluation of some hepatoprotective preparations in experimentally induced hepatopathy in Baladi goats
Authors: Rania R. Emam, Mohamed M. Ghanem, Yassein M. Abdel-Raof, Heba M. El-khaiat
Year: 2020
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Benha Veterinary Medical Journal
Volume: 38
Issue: 2
Pages: 17-25
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

This work aimed to evaluate the hepatoprotective effect of garlic oil extract and artichoke extract with regarding to clinical, hematobiochemical alteration and oxidative stress status of induced acute hepatopathy in Baladi goats. Fifteen Baladi goats were kept for experimental induction of hepatopathy that treated orally with 0.3 ml /kg of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) once and divided randomly into 3 groups each of five. Group A was kept as control positive. Group B and Group C were treated by garlic oil extract in dose 0.8mg/kg and artichoke extract in dose 10mg/kg for 15 days for hepatic protection before induction. Clinical and hematobiochemical examination were carried out at 1st, 3rd and 7th day after induction. Clinical examinations of CCl4 treated group at first day showed dullness, inappetence, pale mucous membranes, elevated body temperature and pulse rate and nervous manifestations. While garlic and artichoke extracts treated groups showed less severe clinical signs that began to disappear at 3rd day after induction. With the Hematobiochemical examination, the induced acute hepatopathy group showed significant (P

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