You are in:Home/Publications/Assessment of the results of short agonist stop ovarian stimulation protocol in poor responder patients undergoing ICSI cycles | |
Title: | Assessment of the results of short agonist stop ovarian stimulation protocol in poor responder patients undergoing ICSI cycles |
Authors: | Ahmed Fathy (1), Yehi S. Idreas (2), Heba E.Abdel Raziq (2). |
Year: | 2024 |
Keywords: | Not Available |
Journal: | Not Available |
Volume: | Not Available |
Issue: | Not Available |
Pages: | Not Available |
Publisher: | Not Available |
Local/International: | Local |
Paper Link: | Not Available |
Full paper | Heba Elsayed Abd Elrazek Elsayed_7.pdf |
Supplementary materials | Not Available |
Abstract: |
Background: Poor ovarian response is defined as the collection of three or fewer oocytes in two prior ovarian stimulation cycles, or collection of three or fewer oocytes in a single stimulation cycle from a woman who is over 40 years of age, or collection of three or fewer oocytes in a single stimulation cycle and an abnormal ovarian reserve test. We aimed to determine if in poor responders’ patients, the SAS stimulation protocol allows for a better number of oocytes, mature oocytes, total embryos at D2 and usable embryos in comparison with the last previous IVF attempt within the same patients |