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Dr. Heba sami Abdel Ghani :: Publications:

Quantitative screening of bioactive phytochemicals in wastes of banana plants.
Authors: Reham M.Mostafa *, Aly A.A **,Hazaa M.M* and Heba S.Essawy * .
Year: 2015
Keywords: pseudostem wastes, banana cultivars, Phytochemical, alkaloid, micro analysis.
Journal: J Biol Chem Environ Sci.
Volume: 10(4)
Issue: Agriculture Chemistry&Environmental Protection Society
Pages: 325-338
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Heba sami Abdel Ghani_alkaloid .docx
Supplementary materials Not Available

Pseudostem waste of banana plants shows the pharmacological activities and help to explore the medicinal value for the initiation of further extensive research on other possible biological activities. As well as for the development of new generic drugs for the better treatment of uncontrolled diseases. .This work presents the investigation of Phytochemical screening on extracts of pseudostem wastes of banana cvs. Baradika , Maghrabi , senari and Williams. This screening shows the presence of alkaloid, tannin, steroid, terpene, saponin and flavonoid in all banana cultivars. The variability of banana cultivars extracts in weight and colour due to the difference between them in phytochemical contents. The compound were fractionated and isolated from pseudostem wastes of banana. The purity as well as the unsaturated nature of the separated compound which gave positive reaction with characteristic test of Alkaloid with melting point 60° c. The structures of the isolated compounds was established by micro analysis , IR and Mass spectrometrium analysis. According to this analysis the molecular formula of structures C13H17NO6.

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