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Ass. Lect. Heba Allah Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan Ali :: Publications:

أورتيجا إي جاسيت من فلسفة المنظور إلـــى نقـــد العلــــــم
Authors: أ.د/ دولت عبد الرحيم إبراهيم - أ.د/ مسعـد عطيــــة صقـــــر
Year: 2019
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Heba Allah Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan Ali_End.docx
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This Study deals with The topic of Perspectivism in the philosophy of Ortega Y Gasset (1883-1955); The Contemporary Spanish Philosopher who has a prominent Place in The World of Philosophical thought, whether in Spain, or in the Whole Worlds according to many Thinkers, including Marias, who said: “Ortega Y Gasset in the greater philosopher in Spain”, and Mora: “Ortega was not Just aphilosopher, but a writer also, and one of the Spanish innovators, who gave Spain anew golden age in literature”. Ortega was dedicated to “essay” writing, because he was a Journalist interested in the affairs of his Spanish society. His Writings were various, as he wrote in every subject, such as philosophical, Studies, Literary Criticism, Political articles, and history. This diversity marks his diverse philosophy that we cannot classify under a particular Philosophical doctrine. Ortega was influenced by existenlialism, Kantianism, and Phenomenology. So, Ortega succeeded in including all these philosophies to produce his new philosophy, which is the rationatisticvital philosophy based on the vital reason,;. E the association between reason and life, theat helped him in the creation of Knowledge theory, which is based on perspectivism. The main idea of the present research is present research is perspectivism, which is the basis of Ortega’s Philosophy as a whole. Ortega took a moderate position between rationalism and relativism, and tried to match between them through what he called “perspective”. The truth becomes clear for Ortega through the conceptualization of human life as afundamental truth. Pure reason for Ortega represents a partial perspective on the world, so it reveals a partial truth, and tries to preclude feelings and preferences, and the dements the hinder understanding. Life for Ortega is rational, and vital reason comes from life, and human life is the connection between me and the other. He indicated this through circumstances theory which assume that the human being is related to his circumstances. The Interaction between the subject and the object leads Ortega to what he calls perspectivism.

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