You are in:Home/Publications/Nephroprotective effect s of Acacia senega l agains t aflatoxicosi s vi a targetin g inflammatory an d apoptoti c signalin g pathways

Dr. Hend El Sayed Nasr El sayed :: Publications:

Nephroprotective effect s of Acacia senega l agains t aflatoxicosi s vi a targetin g inflammatory an d apoptoti c signalin g pathways
Authors: Hend E. Nasr10, Lina Abdelhady Mohammed10 and Ahmed Sala
Year: 2023
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Hend El Sayed Nasr El sayed _pagination_YEESA_115194.pdf
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is a co mmo n enviro nme nta l po llutant that pose s a majo r ha zar d to both humans an d an i - mals . Ac aci a senega l (Gum ) is well -know n fo r ha vin g antiox idant an d anti -inflammatory bioa ctive co mpounds . Ou r stud y aime d to scou t th e nephropr ote ctive effect s of Ac aci a gu m (Gum ) agains t AFB1 -induce d rena l da mage. Four groups of rats were designed : Co ntrol , Gu m (7.5 mg /kg), AFB1 (200 µg /kg b.w) an d AFB1 -Gum, rats were co -treate d with both Gu m an d AFB1 . Ga s chromato graph y -mass spectrom etr y (GC/MS ) anal ysi s wa s done to de - te rmine th e ph ytochem ica l co nstituent s in Gum. AFB1 triggere d pr ofoun d alte rations in ki dne y function parame - ters (urea, cr e atinine , uric acid , an d alkaline phosphatase) an d rena l hi stolo g ica l arch ite cture . Additionally , AFB1 exposure evoked up -regulation of mRNA expression le vel s of inflammatory cytokines, includin g inte r - leukin - 6 (I L -6) , tumo r necr osi s fa cto r α (TNF α ) , inducibl e nitric oxid e sy nthas e (iNOS) , an d nuclea r fa cto r kB p6 5 (N F - κ B/P65 ) in rena l ti ssue. Th e oxid ative di stres s an d apoptoti c ca scade ar e also inst igate d by AFB1 into x ication as depicted in down -regulate d pr otein expression of th e nuclea r fa cto r er ythroid 2 –relate d fa cto r 2 (Nrf2) an d su - pe roxid e di smutase type 1 (SOD1) alon g with upre g ulation of cytochrome c (Cyt o c) , an d cleave d Ca spase 3 (Casp3 –17 an d 19 ) in rena l ti ssue. In co ncl usion , cu rrent stud y obviousl y co nfirm s th e alleviatin g effect s of Gu m

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