Pre diabetes is an intermediate state of hyperglycemia with glycemic parameters above normal but below the diabetes threshold. While, the diagnostic criteria of pre diabetes are not uniform across various international professional conversion, it remains a state of high risk for developing diabetes Observational evidence suggests an association betweenpre diabetes and complications of diabetes such early nephropathy, small fiber neuropathy, early retinopathy and risk of macro vascular disease.
This cross sectional study was conducted on 381 subjects.
All subjects were selected from those attending Banha university hospital during the period from the start of July to the end of September,2017. Among 381 studied subjects 178 were males (46.7 % ) and 203 were females (53.3% ).
The age ranged from 20-30 years with the mean age of 25 years. BMI ranged from 18.2( kg/m2 )to 41 (kg/m2 )with the mean BMI of 23.9( kg/m2 ).
Studied subjects were classified into two groups:
Group І : it included 191 subject who had one or more risk factors for diabetes.
Group 2 : it included 190 subject who didn't have any risk factors for diabetes.
The exclusion criteria included were the following
Persons below age of twenty and above age of thirty.
Pregnant females.
Females with history of gestational diabetes .
Persons suffering from any chronic illness other than hypertension
Base line questionnaire was taken from every subject and
1. Age
2. Sex
3. History of hypertension.
4. Duration of hypertension
5. Family history of diabetes
6. Smoking
7. Menstrual history .
8. Obstetric history with great concern about gestational diabetes and history of large sized baby.
A thorough clinical examination was performed to every subject
with stress on:
1-Blood pressure.
2-Anthropometric measures (height, Weight, body mass index
(BMI)& waist circumference (WC) ).
The following investigations had been done to every subject:
1- Fasting plasma glucose.
2- HbA1c .
The results of the study showed the following;
prevalence of high FBS>126 among High risk group is[2.7%] while total prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes is[1.3%].
prevalence of high FBS (100-126) was higher among the risk group (29.8%) than that among the group without risk factors (3.7%).
prevalence of high HB A1c (5.7-6.4)was higher among the risk group (17.3%) than that among the group without risk factors (8.9%),and total prevalence is [13.12].
prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes is [3.1%] in risk group while total prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes is [1.6%].
prevalence of prediabetes and undiagnosed diabetes by combined FBS or HBA1C is [41.36%-12.6%-27.1%] among risk group , group without risk factors and overall studied group respectively.
prevalence of hypertension increased from normal subjects[1.8%] to pre diabetic and un diagnosed diabetic patients [21.4%].
prevalence of males in pre diabetic and un diagnosed diabetic subjects is [38.8%] while prevalence of females is[61.2%].
prevalence of PCO in pre diabetic and un diagnosed diabetic females is [9.5%] while prevalence of PCO in normal female is[3.6%].
The mean value of age and BMI was significantly high in group with risk factors.
The mean value of FBS and HBA1C were Significantly high in high risk group.
Significant relation between high BMI and development of pre diabetes and un diagnosed diabetes mellitus.
The mean value of systolic and diastolic Blood Pressure were Significantly high in risk group
there is significant associaction between family history of diabetes mellitus and development of pre diabetes.
non Significance of FBS and HBA1C among the risk group according to Sex
Significant Correlation between FBS and BMI among the Risk group.
no Significant Correlation between FBS and age, systolic Blood pressure and diastolic Blood pressure among the Risk group
Significant Correlation between HBA1C and BMI among the Risk group.
no Significant Correlation between HBA1C and age,systolic Blood pressure and diastolic Blood pressure among the Risk group.
Family history,NO.of risk factors,BMI,Hypertension and PCO are Significant predictors for high FBS &HbA1C among the risk group.
This study showed a meaningful relationship between obesity, dyslipidemia, history of first degree relative with pre diabetes ,hypertension and PCO. Therefore, identifying these factors are of great importance to the health of the general population. The high frequency of pre diabetes in this region makes it necessary to generalise the screening methods of the disease for the population with above risk factors and with early detection of pre diabetes and its management with life style modification can prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes in a cost effective way. In addition, promoting the level of general knowledge on the risk factors of diabetes or its symptoms and complications can
play an effective role in the prevention and control of the disease. This can be done through the mass media or distribution of educational pamphlets or books written in simple language