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Prof. Hisham Abd al-Razzaq al-Shaker Zahra :: Publications:

Magnetic Interpretations For The Subsurface Geologic Conditions Of Halaib Area, South Eastern Desert Of Egypt
Authors: Hesham Zahra
Year: 2016
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

The present study dealt with the geophysical processing and interpretation of the available magnetic data in the area of study. the extensions of the existing sedimentary ridges and basins and their relations to the operating swells and ridges of the basement, as well as delineated the workable tectonic deformations of the considered area. Multi-discipline system of interpretations has been executed utilizing several methods, not only in the space domain, but also in the frequency domain. Filtering and emphasizing the near-surface (local) anomalies on the expense of the deep-seated (regional) ones were done, using five orders polynomial surfaces and their corresponding residuals, as well as the low-pass and high-pass filters through out the moving average operator. The effective features, and the causative sources, as well as their corresponding depths were delineated through the first and second derivatives of the field data and their related complex gradients. Also, the strike filtering technique was applied at specific directional trend and five kms to remove the geologic noises cutting across the implications of interest through the enhancement and suppression processes .Moreover, the magnetic field was upwarded and downwarded at consecutive levels to follow the geologic signatures at the five kms. Finally, integration was done for the results of the fore-mentioned techniques to delineate the structural features and tectonic inferences characterizing the concerned area.

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