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Prof. Hesham Mohamed Aboul-Enein, MD :: Administrative Positions:

Advocating teamwork policy and spirit
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2011 2014

Member in the comitte of student Affairs since.
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2011 2014

• Very good relationship with other cardiology departments which together with the actions taken resulted in a better recognition for the department o
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2011 2014

• Establishing a Face book site for the departmental activities and announcements.
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2011 2014

• Establishment of charity group registered in the minister of social affairs , to be as legal and transparent pouch for liquid donations to the de
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2011 2014

• Regular scientific activity and very active weekly conference which had a great input on education anal process , in the same time has encourage
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2011 2014

• Revising and improving the department bylaws, with the contribution of staff members and delegation of various activities to senior and junior sta
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2011 2014

• Improving the system of 1ry PCI , which is life saving for patients with acute myocardial infarction .
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2011 2014

• Increase the capacity of the cath. Lab, to be four working days instead of two in addition to significant increase in level of training of the staff
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2011 2014

• Reestablished the working environment in the department with raised funds ( individuals , staff members , drug industry) including , 12 new be
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2011 2014

Supervisor and Acting Dean Faculty of medicine Benha University
Supervisor and Acting Dean Faculty of medicine Benha University
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Benha University Egypt 2016 until now

• Endorsing the release of ( Benha Journal of applied sciences ) as biannual English issues for the dissemination of research and studies and scient
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2014 until now

• The chairmanship of the delegation to the international exhibition and Conference for higher education in the city of Amman from 4:2 November 2015
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2014 until now

• Endorsing a project among Competitive Projects to scan and download publications of Staff Members if not feasible for them .
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2014 until now

• Supervising capacity building and Training courses of the academic Staff and administrative staff
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2014 until now

• Contribute and support university institutions preparing for accreditation which from the national authority for quality assurance and accreditation
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2014 until now

Arranging Workshops to support university faculties for educational efficiency improvement projects submitted by the national authority for quality as
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2014 until now

Coordination with the group designing Benha University Central Library and ensuring fulfillment of all requirements of digital library systems
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2014 until now

• Supervision and endorsing capacity building research projects for young investigators and contribute to increase the number of research groups from
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2014 until now

• Design a plan to improve performance of the central labs of the university to keep pace with technological progress and improve integration of thes
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2014 until now

• Cooperation with the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology in the field of ethics of scientific publishing and following international rules
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2014 until now

• Implementing regulations to ensure posting publications of the staff members on the website of the University as a prerequisite to proceed with any
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2014 until now

• Raising awareness regarding programs that evaluate similarity ratios between publications in the university and those already published by others
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2014 until now

• Several workshops were held to raise awareness about the ethics of conducting scientific research and publications.
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2014 until now

• Review journals that are publishing for postgraduate students and disqualifying some periodicals that did not prove credibility and those with no we
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2014 until now

• Develop a policy to emphasize improving the output of scientific research and allocation of bonuses for the number of citations for the entire scien
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2014 until now

Endorsing the download of Staff Members publications On The Websites Google Scholar and Research gate to Improve the university rankings in the World
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2014 until now

• Head of Committee of University International Ranking
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2014 until now

• Responsible For International Scientific And Cultural Affairs
Organization Country From To
2014 until now

The Vice President for Post Graduates And Research Affairs
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2014 until now

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