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Prof. Hesham Mohammad Hasan :: Publications:

Image Schemata and Force Dynamic Analysis of Conflict in Anthony Burgess’ Nineteen Eighty Five: A Rhetorical Cognitive Approach
Authors: Hesham Hasan
Year: 2019
Keywords: Keywords Cognitive linguistics, force dynamics, image schemata, categorization, frame, profiling and scalar adjustment, modality and deixis.
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Hesham Mohammad Hasan_final Image Schemata and Force Dynamic Analysis of Conflict in Anthony Burgess[1115].pdf
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The paper analyses Anthony Burgess‟ the Nineteen Eighty Five from a rhetorical cognitive perspective. The cognitive approach alongside with the force dynamics theory (2000a &2000b) are applied to the the short story. The former includes categorization, metonymy, profiling and scalar adjustment, modality and deixis, and the latter encompasses the steady state and shifting force dynamic patterns among the opposing forces. The Image Schemata theory is also adopted in the analysis of the novella. The text-linguistic image schemata approach will include: story world, event modality, temporal structure, force path, and plot driving momentum. Nineteen Eighty Five is a futuristic and a predictive novel written in 1978 foretelling the events that will occur in England in the year 1985. The state of affairs in the novel is that there is a conflict among three forces, Bev, the protagonist, the trade union and the Free Britons. Each partner is after the annihilation of the other. The paper is divided into three major sections: the first section tackles the cognitive configuration of the novel. The second section introduces the force dynamic theory with its application at the microstructure of the novel. The third section applies the image schemata concepts to the macrostructure of the novella.

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