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Ass. Lect. Horiah Fawzy Khatab Omar :: Publications:

Rabbit retinal function after Nd –YAG laser treatment
Authors: Mona Salah Eldin Talaat1, Samira Mohamed Sallam, Sohair El Sayed Negm , Fatma Mohamed Metawe, Horia Fawzy Khatab
Year: 2015
Keywords: Rabbet Eyes, Nd-YAG Laser, Electroretinogram (ERG)
Journal: International Journal of chemical and biomedical science
Volume: 1(4)
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 89-93
Publisher: nternational Journal of chemical and biomedical science
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Horiah Fawzy Khatab Omar_electroretinograme.PDF
Supplementary materials Not Available

The aim of this work is to test the functional state of the eye retina exposed to neodymium yag (Nd:YAG) laser beam of the same intensity and duration as that used in lens posterior capsulotomy after cataract surgery. Rabbits’ eyes were exposed to laser beam(1064nm, 0.01w/cm 2 and exposuretime of 0.25 sec and 0.1 sec).Changes in the bioelectricity of the retina were investigated. The experiments were performed on light and dark adapted eyes of rabbits for control and afterNd:YAGlaserexposure. Theelectroretinogram; ERGwas recordedin both cases of dark and lightadaption. We tried to adapt the physical conditions surrounding the exposed eye during laser exposureand during the measurements. The ERG response was found to be reduced by about 50%. Selected a-wave & b-wave of the recordedERG signal,before and after exposure, were measuredin case of laser exposure times 0.25 sec, 0.1 sec in case of dark and light adaptation. The obtained results indicated a significant reductionin the a- wave& b-wave amplitudes, more significantly in case of the longer exposure time. This reduction after treatment, made slow recovery after 4 days and approached to its control values after 8 days of exposure. The late effect studies indicated a faster recovery for the shorter exposure time.

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