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Prof. Hosny Hassan Mohamed Mahran :: Publications:

The Applications of the Knowledge Based Economy in the Field of Electronic Government in Egypt: The Present Situation and the Requirements.
Authors: Hosny Mahran
Year: 2009
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

Abstract: The main objective of this research is to reach a global and suitable framework of policies-through group of axes-for supporting the new economy applications based on knowledge in the field of electronic government in Egypt. The research includes three main parts, represented briefly in the following: The first part: A quick overview in the information and communications technology in the Egyptian economy. This part discusses the positive points and the challenges relevant to information and communications technology, the origin and development of the interest in information and communications technology in Egypt and how far the infrastructure in Egypt is ready. Besides observing to what extent Egypt has achieved the aims and directions of the World Summit for the Information Society (WSIS). The second part: The present situation of the electronic government applications in the Egyptian economy. This part discusses the concepts, aims, the stages and types of electronic government. Moreover presenting the fundamental features of the electronic government applications in Egypt through the models, and locating Egypt in (ESCWA) indicator to determine the quality of the electronic government, also locating Egypt in the United Nations indicator for the electronic Governments readiness. Moreover, observing the obstacles which hinder the electronic government applications. Finally the third part deals with live main axes necessary for achieving the main aim of the research. These axes are briefly represented in the following: The first axis: setting the programs which could eliminate the obstacle of change resistance from some people of the society. The second axis: activating all the forms of coordination and sharing between the governmental sector and the private sector and the nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) of concerning the electronic government applications projects. The third axis: magnifying the use of different supporting programs presented by international and regional organizations for the electronic government. The fourth axis: affording the experiences necessary for dealing with the electronic government applications. The fifth axis: activating and extending the tools and methods of protecting data and guaranteeing the security in the use of electronic government applications.

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