Bankart lesion is the most common fixed pathology in recurrent traumatic anterior shoulder instability. Modified transglenoid sutures was used with excellent short term results.
The aim of this study is to report the long term results of the modified transglenoid sutures as regard stability(either dislocation or subluxation), suprascapular nerve affection, scapular muscle affection, suture material and knot problems, and infection related to the procedure.
Patients and methods
Thirty three patients ,29 males (87.9%) and 4 females(12.1%), were available for long term follow up(range between 5 to 11 years). All patients were treated by 2-4 transglenoid sutures and followed up for more than 5 years according to Rowe score, instability, post operative infection, scar problem, suprascapular nerve affection, apprehension test for anterior dislocation or subluxation or limitation of shoulder movement.
According to the Rowe score, 27 patients (81.8%) were excellent and good results (score more than 75) while there were 6 patients(18.2 %)fair and poor results less than 75 points. One patient suffered shoulder dislocation, two patients suffered subluxation, and one patient post operative infection. Two patients only(6%) needed second operation.
The transglenoid sutures modified by using non absorbable suture material (Ethibond no 5) and passing through two holes in the glenoid, show good long term results for treatment of recurrent traumatic anterior shoulder instability.