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Prof. Hussein Abd Elmaksoud Ali :: Publications:

Potential Therapeutic activity of Novel Nanocomposite on Cancerous Tumor Bearing Mice
Authors: Omayma A.R. Abou Zaid1, AbdEl Maksoud Hussein A.1, Abdel Fatah M. Badwi2, Mohammed F. EL-Shiekha1 and Mohammed Abdalla Hussien3*
Year: 2016
Keywords: Curcumin nanoparticles, Zinc Oxide nanoparticles (ZnNP), Vitamin C, CTAB, (p53- gene expression), Apoptosis.
Journal: Intternattiionall Journall of Pharma Sciiences
Volume: Vol. 6
Issue: No. 3 (2016)
Pages: 1580-1586
Publisher: aizeon publisher
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Hussein Abd Elmaksoud Ali_2155-952X.C1.071-008.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

ABSTRACT Nanoparticles are making significant contributions to the development of new approaches of drug delivery in cancer and can provide a platform for combined therapeutics with subsequent monitoring of response. Basic curcumin and zinc oxide (ZnO) Nanocomposite modified with vitamin C and CTAB have been exerting chemopreventative activity against cancer in mice animal model. The present results observed that Nanocomposite have distinct effects on liver cell viability via killing cancer cells, while posing no effect on normal cells (hepatocytes). The marked difference in cytotoxicity between cancer cells and normal cells suggests an exciting potential for Nanocomposite as novel alternatives to cancer therapy. Our molecular data showed that both mRNA and protein levels of tumor suppressor gene p53 were upregulated and induce activity of DNA fragmentation in liver cells.

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