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Prof. Hussein Abd Elmaksoud Ali :: Publications:

Biochemical changes associated with helicobacter pylori infection
Authors: Abd El- Maksoud, H.A., Fararh, K.M. , Metwaly, M.
Year: 2016
Keywords: H. pylori, Haptoglobin, Leptin, Ammonia, Serum iron, Ferritin, Anemia.
Volume: 31
Issue: 1
Pages: 103-109
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Hussein Abd Elmaksoud Ali_my paper.pdf
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The aim of the present study is to through lights on the biochemical relations between H. pylori infection and the changes in serum Ammonia, Gastrin, Leptin, Amylase, Lipid profile, Iron, Total Iron Binding Capacity, Transferrin, Haptoglobin and Vitamin B12. 90- helicobacter pylori infected patients, and 20- clinically healthy subjects used as control all ages ranged between 25 to over 65 years are applied in the experiment. The result of the present study showed the association between serum Ammonia and Amylase, Gastrin and Leptin levels, in addition to serum lipid profile including (Total cholesterol, Triacylglycerol (TG), Low density lipoprotein – cholesterol (LDL-C) and High density lipoprotein – cholesterol (HDL-C), Iron status (Iron, Ferritin, Total Iron Binding capacity (TIBC) and Transferrin) in addition to Vitamin B12 and haptoglobin with helicobacter pylori infection. These parameters may all be regarded as predictors or risk factors for Gastritis, anemia, peptic ulcer, Gastric cancer and Coronary heart diseases in elderly patients. The findings of the present study suggest that, helicobacter pylori infection are primary interacting mediators in the anemia and different diseases of the stomach.

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