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Prof. Hussein Abd Elmaksoud Ali :: Publications:

Aluminum Chloride Induced Inflammatory process in Rat’s Brain
Authors: Hussein A Abdel Maksoud1 , Alshaimaa M Said1*, Mabrouk A Abdeldaiem2 and Mahmoud A. Hassan
Year: 2020
Keywords: Aluminum chloride, Interleukin, Nervous system, Neurotoxicity, Inflammation, Rat
Journal: Scholars International Journal of Biochemistry
Volume: 3
Issue: 10
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Scholars Middle East Publishers
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Hussein Abd Elmaksoud Ali_SIJB-43-2020 GP.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Neurotoxicity is a form of toxicity in which a biological, chemical, or physical agent produces an adverse effect on the structure or function of the central and/or peripheral nervous system. This study was conducted to evaluate the neurotoxic effect of aluminium chloride induced neuroyoxicity in rats. Fourty rats used in this study were divided into two groups: control group, rats were received normal laboratory diet all over the period of the experiment for 8 weeks and aluminium chloride protective group received (i.p) injection of AlCl3 daily at dose (300mg/kg). The results revealed that injection of AlCl3 effected on inflamatory markers where, levels of interleukin (il-2), interleukin-6 (il-6) Tumer Necrosis Factor (TNF α) were significantly increased

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