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Dr. Hewaida Mawad Ahmed :: Publications:

Promoting Healthy Lifestyle for Survivor Adolescents with Leukemia and their Caregivers
Authors: hwaida.ali
Year: 2018
Keywords: Caregivers — Survivor adolescent with leukemia —Health-Promoting Lifestyle
Journal: International journal of nursing care
Volume: 6
Issue: 1
Pages: 44-57
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Hewaida Mawad Ahmed_Promoting Healthy Lifestyle for Survivor Adolescents with.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Background: There has been a dramatic increase in the number of childhood cancer survivors living to an old age due to improved cancer treatments so promote a healthy lifestyle for them very important. The aim: Evaluate the effect of promoting healthy lifestyle program to survivor adolescents with leukemia and their caregivers. Design: A quasi-experimental research design. Setting: Pediatric Outpatient Clinic and waiting room affiliated with Specialized Pediatric Hospital at Benha City. Sample: A purposive sample of thirty eight survivors’ adolescents with leukemia and their caregivers. Tools: I-Structured interviewing questionnaire. II- The health-promoting lifestyle profile and III- Caregiver burden scale. Results: less than two-third of the adolescent were male live in the urban area; more than two third of them was a survivor from ALL. There were improving adolescent and their caregiver knowledge post-intervention. There was statistically significant between caregiver’s burden and their promoting the healthy lifestyle. Also, reflect that mild burden of caregivers associated with achieving promoting healthy lifestyle for their adolescent. Conclusion: The promoting healthy lifestyle program was effective to improve healthy promoting lifestyle for survivor adolescent with leukemia and their caregivers. Recommendation: Continue follow-up guidelines for particular groups of survivors’ adolescents and their caregivers to discover any changes in health status and maintain healthy behavior lifestyle.

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