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Dr. Howida Hassan El-Sayed Abd eL-Fatah Mahfouz :: Publications:

Effect of Education Program about Negotiation Skills for Head Nurses on Their Time Management
Authors: Fawzia Farouk Kamel,Howida Hassan EL-Sayed Mahfouz
Year: 2020
Keywords: Head nurses, knowledge, negotiation, skill, and time management
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Howida Hassan El-Sayed Abd eL-Fatah Mahfouz_2 Negotiation .pdf
Supplementary materials Howida Hassan El-Sayed Abd eL-Fatah Mahfouz_2 Negotiation .pdf

Properly run effective negotiation can save time, increase productivity and produce new ideas. Aim: The study aimed to assess effect of education program about negotiation skills for head nurses on their time management. Research Design: Qusi experimental design was utilized. Study Setting: The study was conducted in medical, surgical and critical care units at Benha University Hospital. The study sample: composed of all head nurses (80) who are working in the above mentioned setting; 17 of head nurses working at medical units, 13 of head nurses working at surgical units and 50 head nurses working at critical care units. Tools of data collection: Three tools were used: negotiation knowledge questionnaire, negotiation process style scale and time management questionnaire. Result: 48.8% & 30% of head nurses had good negotiation knowledge at post and follow up program respectively. The total mean scores of head nurses' negotiation skill at post program and follow up were improved (69.30 ± 5.07 and 70.36 ±4.81) than at pre program (59.93± 4.81). The most of head nurses' time management skill had improved at post and follow up program (73.8% and 87.5%) than at pre program (56.2 %). Conclusion: there was a positive correlation between head nurses' negotiation knowledge, skill and time management skills. Recommendation: Conducting continuous inservice training and educational programs for refreshing and increasing head nurses’ knowledge and skills about the negotiation as well as to emphasize time planning skills during negotiation process

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