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Ass. Lect. Ibrahim Mostafa Mahmoud Mostafa Awad :: Publications:

Performance Enhancement of Household Refrigerator Using Phase Change Materials
Authors: Ibrahim I.M, A.S. Huzzayin, M.K. Rady
Year: 2015
Keywords: Refrigerator, Coefficient of Performance, Enhancement, Thermostat Setting and Phase Change Material.
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
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Refrigerator is one of the home appliances utilizing mechanical vaporcompression cycle. Vapor compression refrigeration system was studied as it is themost widely used refrigeration system especially in small scale of refrigerationapplication such as in a domestic application. Knowledge of air temperature profilesin a refrigerator is important for food quality control. In fact, if the consumer knowsthe position of warm and cold zones in the refrigerator, the product can be placed correctly. An experimental study has been performed to investigate the effect ofthermostat setting temperature on the performance of household refrigerator.Temperature profile and power consumption have been measured for a 131 Litercapacity single compartment refrigerator at different thermostat setting temperature.The effects of thermostat setting temperature on power consumption, coefficient ofperformance and cycling losses have been analyzed. The present study shows thatjudicious choice of thermostat setting temperature and enhanced condenser andcompressor heat dissipation methods can effectively improve the refrigerator performance. A Phase Change Material (PCM) is a substance with a high heat of fusionwhich, melting and solidifying at a certain temperature, is capable of storing andreleasing large amounts of energy. The present work focuses on using solid-liquidPCMs in household refrigerators for performance enhancement. The aim of this work to improve the thermal performance of commercial refrigerators using phasechange materials (PCM) at compressor top surface locations and to prove theimportance of the correct PCM selection. It is concluded that, the objectives of this thesis are to improve a minidomestic refrigerator test rig by optimization performance of the mini domesticrefrigerator test rig. Increasing energy efficiency of domestic appliances will decreaseenergy consumption. إن الدافع الأساسى وراء هذه الدراسة هو البحث عن أساليب مبسطة لزيادة كفاءة الطاقة في الثلاجات المنزلية. حيث تم إقتراح ودراسة إثنين من الأساليب لتحسين معدل الأداء. الأسلوب الأول يعتمد على الإختيار الأمثل لضبط درجة الحرارة الثرموثتات. أما الثانى والذى يمثل إسهاما كبيرا اهذا العمل فهو يعتمد على إستخدام المواد متغيرة الحالة لتحسين أداء الثلاجة ويمثل الجزء الأول من الجارب والتحليل الأساس اللازم لتحديد المواد متغيرة الحالة التي تم دراسة اتطبيقها في الجزء الثانى من الرسالة. حيث تم أقتراح تطبيق مادة متغيرة الخالة على السطح العلوى للضاغط. وقد أجريت تجارب عديدية عند قيم وأحمال مختلفة وقد توصلنا في هذه الرسالة إلى تقليل معدل إستهلاك الكهرباء الثلاجة بحوالي 9 إلى 26 % بإستخدام الواد متغيرة الحالة

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