Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the role of the inert
stents in decreasing the incidence oJ stent restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCl) and to assess the clinical outcome of these stents.
Methods: The study comprised 57 patients (49 males and 8 females.
mean age 53.3:±0.9 years) with angiographically documented CAD. They were admitted to the Coronary care unit at Benha University Hospital and underwent stent implantation in 57 de novo lesions. Patients were categorized into two groups: group I for whom the traditional bare metal Stainless-steel stents were deployed (30 lesions in 30 pts: 26 M arid. 4 I:' with a mean age oJ 50 yrs). group. II [or whom Inert stenisIcarbori ion im- planted stents ) were deployed (27 lesions in 27 pts: 23 M' and. 1.. F with CL mean age oJ 51 yrs). Procedural success: was defined as 30 % residual stenosis post procedure. Clinical success: was defined. as procedural success without the occurrence oJ tvlACE (Major Acquired Coronary Events} namely. death. myocardial irifarctior..: or Target vessel reuascuuuiza-
tiotit.Ctinicoi [olloui-up for the occurrence oJ MACE was performed. one and six months after the procedure. Angiographic follow-up was done a}
ter six months or after the occurrence of any of the clinical etidpoirits.
Results: Procedural and clinical success were documented in 100 % of
patients during hospital stay. there was no MACE in both groups. }\'one of patients developed MACE during the 30-days follow-up period. Also. At 6- months (OllOW-UD. there was no statisticailu significant d!fference be-