You are in:Home/Publications/Echinococcosis in dogs in urban and rural areas in Dakahlia governorate, Egypt. Atef. M. A. El-Shazly, Soha M. Aoud, Ibraheim M. Nagaty and Tosson. A. Morsy. J. Egypt Soc. Parasitol 37 (2) 2007

Prof. Ibrahim Maged Mohammed Nagati :: Publications:

Echinococcosis in dogs in urban and rural areas in Dakahlia governorate, Egypt. Atef. M. A. El-Shazly, Soha M. Aoud, Ibraheim M. Nagaty and Tosson. A. Morsy. J. Egypt Soc. Parasitol 37 (2) 2007
Authors: Not Available
Year: 2007
Keywords: Not Available
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