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Dr. Islam ElShaarawy :: Publications:

Enhanced Elephant Herding Optimization for Global Optimization
Authors: A. A. K. Ismaeel, I. A. Elshaarawy, E. H. Houssein, F. H. Ismail and A. E. Hassanien
Year: 2019
Keywords: Elephant herding optimization (EHO), swarm optimization algorithms, exploration, exploitation, CEC test suite
Journal: IEEE Access
Volume: 7
Issue: 1
Pages: 34738 - 34752
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
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The elephant herding optimization (EHO) algorithm is a relatively novel population-based optimization technique, which mimics herding behavior and can be modeled into two operators: clan updating operators and separating operators. Also, in the literature, EHO has received a great deal of attention from researchers since it was proposed applied to many application fields for its advantages of excellent global optimization ability and ease of implementation. However, there is still an insufficiency in the EHO algorithm regarding its lack of exploitation, which leads to slow convergence. In this paper, we propose three enhanced versions of EHO based on the γ value termed EEHO15, EEHO20, and EEHO25 to overcome the problems of fast unjustified convergence toward the origin of the basic EHO. The exploration/exploitation abilities of the EEHO algorithms are achieved by the updating of the two operators (clan and separation operator). To tackle this drawback, a constant function is used as a benchmark for inspecting the biased convergence of evolutionary algorithms in general. Moreover, we utilize CEC’17 test suite benchmark functions to test the performance of the proposed three versions of EEHO against EHO, particle swarm optimization (PSO), bird swarm algorithm (BSA), and ant lion optimizer (ALO) algorithms. Eventually, the experimental results revealed that the proposed EEHO algorithms extremely obtained better results compared with other competitive algorithms.

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