Fish feed extruders performance is deeply affected by the
operational conditions. Unproper operational condition cause
poor quality of feed and affect the productively of such
machine, therefore, the main aim of the present work is to study
the effect of some engineering parameters (screw speed, feeding
rate and die hole diameter) on the performance of a locally
made feed extruder. To achieve that, the extruder productivity,
total losses percentage, energy consumption and cost per kg of
feed were studied at three different screw speeds for main
motor of extruder (200, 250 and 300 rpm), three different
feeding rates (70, 100 and 130 kgh
) and three different die
hole dimeters were 3, 4 and 5 mm extruder. The results
indicated that extruder productivity ranged from 62.24 at 200
rpm , 3mm and 70 kg h
to 107.58 kg h
at 300 rpm , 5mm and
130 kg h
. The highest rate of the losses percentage was 4.64
% which happened at the smallest screw speed (200 rpm), the
smallest feeding rate (70 kg h
) and the largest die hole dimeter
(5mm) respectively. The specific energy consumption ranged
from 0.126 at 200 rpm , 5mm and 130 kg h
to 0.233 kWh kg
at 300 rpm , 3mm and 70 kg h
. The operating cost of fish feed
production decreases with the increase of the screw speed,
feeding rate and die hole dimeter, the costs of extrusion
processing ranged from 0.628 to 1.081 LE kg
of feed for all
treatments under study.