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Dr. Essraa Abdelmoneim Abdelfattah Youssef :: Publications:

Exploring A New Synergistic Strategy for Substitution of Sodium Nitrite From Beef Sausage: Impacts on Color, Sensory and Physicochemical Characteristics
Authors: Essraa A. Youssef 1*, Hemmat M. Ibrahim1, Mohamed A. Hassan1, Hamdy A. Zahran2 Ahmed M. Youssef3 and Rasha Elsabagh
Year: 2024
Keywords: NaNO2; Nisin; ZnO-NP; Chitosan; Hibiscus
Journal: Egyptian Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 1-11
Publisher: National Information and Documentation Center (NIDOC)
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Essraa Abdelmoneim Abdelfattah Youssef_EJVS3933721732399200.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

NITRITE replacement is a global challenge facing meat industry. The current study provides a nitrite substitute to totally replace sodium nitrite from beef sausage formulation. A nitrite replacer comprising 400 ppm nisin (ns), 25 ppm zinc oxide nanoparticles (zno), 1% chitosan (ch) and 1% hibiscus sabdariffa extract (hs) was integrated into beef sausage during manufacturing. Four categories of sausage were prepared as following: nt (120 ppm sodium nitrite), ns/ch/hs, zno/ch/hs, and ns/zno/ch/hs. Chemical quality indices (ph, tbars and tvb-n), instrumental color analysis and sensory evaluation of sausage samples were estimated. The results demonstrated that alternates treated sausage samples exhibited lower ph, tbars and tvb-n values than nt (p < 0.01), higher a* redness, better sensory characteristics and the best impacts were attained by ns/zno/ch/hs. In conclusion, ns/zno/ch/hs incorporation into beef sausage formula could be an interesting new strategy to replace sodium nitrite and develop product quality, physicochemical stability, and sensory approval.

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