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Dr. Karam Khamis Barakat El-Gizawy :: Courses details:

Number of courses : 10
Number of uploaded files for these courses from students : 0
حشرات المحاصيل البستانية
Files(-) URL(2) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
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Pests of horticultural crops (Practical lessons)
Files(1) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
Insects of field crops (Practical lessons)
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
Stored grain insects (Practical lessons)
Files(1) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
Insects of field crops (Practical lessons)
Files(1) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
Technology spraying and fogging (Practical lessons)
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The foundations of pest control (Practical lessons)
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zoology (Practical lessons)
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
general Insects (Practical lessons)
Files(-) URL(-) Assignments(-) Exam(-)
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