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Dr. Karim Bahi Ahmed Bahi Mohamed :: Publications:

Role of Intellectual Capital in implementing Open Innovation Processes : Applied Study on National Research Center
Authors: Karim Bahi
Year: 2013
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Karim Bahi Ahmed Bahi Mohamed_abstract.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This study seeks to discover and define the role of the intellectual capital (human capital, structural capital, relationships capital) in applying open innovation processes both inbound and outbound in national research center in Cairo NCR. The study followed the analytic descriptive approach and is attached by a survey of three sections (general data, intellectual capital, open innovation processes) which were formed in 46 statements. The stability and honesty coefficient of the survey as a whole were measured and results were as follow: Alfa stability coefficient (0,957) and honesty coefficient sqrt the stability coefficient (0,978). These results asserted that there is a reasonable strong internal harmony within the survey. The respond of heads of sections and heads of scientific departments in the national research center was 76% within (75) analytically and statistically valid forms. Whereas, the respond of researchers in NCR was 79% within (280) analytically and statistically valid forms. The study was based mainly on two hypotheses .

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