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Prof. Khaled Abd Alwaged Mohamed Abd Ellatief :: Publications:

Interpretation of charged-particle spectra in p+p and p+Pb collisions at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider using an improved hijing code with a collective cascade
Authors: Khaled Abdel-Waged, Nuha Felemban
Year: 2015
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Physical Review C
Volume: 91
Issue: 03
Pages: 9
Publisher: American Physical scociety
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

We supplement the Heavy Ion Jet Interaction Generator (hijing) code with a collective cascade recipe and updated Martin-Stirling-Thorne-Watt (MSTW2009) parton distribution functions (PDFs) to describe nonsingle diffractive (NSD) p+p and Pb collisions at CERN Large Hadron Collider energies. The collective cascade, developed in the space of an impact parameter, is used to induce nuclear modification of nucleons, that are involved in primary interactions, inside the dense nuclear medium. It is found that the improved hijing (Imhijing) code (that with MSTW2009 PDFs) reproduces rather well the pseudorapidity density, the multiplicity, and the transverse momentum distributions of charged particles within the pseudorapidity interval |ηc.m.system|

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