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Prof. Khaled Eid Ahmed Naghia :: Courses files: تاريخ العرب الحديث والمعاصر كلية التربية الفرقة الثالثة دراسات اجتماعية

Course Nameتاريخ العرب الحديث والمعاصر كلية التربية الفرقة الثالثة دراسات اجتماعية
Last Year Taught2020

Britain and the Arabs until 1914
British policy towards Iraq 1914-1945
British policy towards Palestine 1917-1948
British policy towards Palestine 1917-1948
Eastern Jordan between 1919-1945
Syria and Lebanon under the mandate
The Ottoman Empire and the Islamic East
The Ottoman Empire and the Islamic East
The results of the Sykes-Picot agreement
The Sykes-Picot Agreement 1916
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