Background: Cervical atypia and the occurrence of pre- malignant lesions of cervix may occur in cases with genital tract infection like HPV infection, Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection, Chlamydia trachomatis, and other bacterial genital tract infections
Objective:The aim of the present study was to find-out if there is any association between bacterial vaginosis and cervical atypia or pre-Malignant lesions of cervix.
Study setting : case control study.
Patient and methods :Cases of the study were divided into two groups : Study group:This group included 300 cases of bacterial vaginosis (BV) diagnosed according to Amsel's criteria ( Homogeneous vaginal discharge, Amine (fishy) odor when potassium hydroxide solution was added to vaginal secretions, Presence of clue cells and Vaginal pH greater than 4.5 ). Control group: 300 cases free from bacterial vaginosis and other clinical lower genital tract infection. Pap smears were done for all cases then sent to laboratory examination. Colposcopy and Colposcopy directed biopsy were done for all cases of positive pap smears.
Results: All women of the study (two groups) were matched as regard age ,age of marriage ,gravidity , and parity . 55.33% of (BV)+Ve cases were diagnosed according to; (pH > 4.5,The amine test and thin homogenous discharge). There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups ( study group and control group ) regarding the incidence of cervical atypia .There was an association between bacterial vaginosis and cervical atypia ,however not statistically significant .
Conclusion: There was an association between B V and cervical atypia , however no statistically significant relationship between B V and cervical atypia was demonstrated by statistical analysis .