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Dr. khaled salim :: Publications:

Middle Cerebral to Umbilical Artery Doppler Indices Ratio and Amniotic Fluid Volume Measurement in Post-date Pregnancies
Authors: Khalid MSalama MD,Abd El Fattah ,Mahhmoud MD,Ayman ShedeedMD,Ola Ahmed M.B.,B.Ch
Year: 2015
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
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Objective: To assess the values of (Middle Cerebral Artery/Umbilical Artery (MCA PI /UA PI) and MCA RI / UA RI ratios and amniotic fluid volume in predicting the adverse perinatal fetal outcome in uncomplicated postdate pregnancies. Study design:Case- control study. Settings:Department of Obstetrics and Gynecologyat Benha University Hospitals from antenatal clinic in Egypt. Subjects:One hundred pregnant women were recruited from antenatal clinic; subdivided into two groups: Group A (Post-date Group):included fifty pregnant females with gestational age 41 weeks or more. Group B (Control Group):included fifty pregnant females with gestational age (37-40) weeks. Results:This was a Case- control study that included 100 pregnant women admitted to Banha maternity hospital. 50 of them have normal pregnancy (37-40 week) and 50 of them have post- term pregnancy (above 40 week),to assess the values of Middle Cerebral Artery/Umbilical Artery pulsatility index (MCA PI /UA PI) and Middle Cerebral Artery/Umbilical Artery resistance index (MCA RI / UA RI) ratios and amniotic fluid volume in predicting the adverse perinatal fetal outcome in uncomplicated postdate pregnancies. This was done using transabdominal ultrasound and Doppler study for assessment of pregnancy status. There is no statistically significant difference as regard maternal age, body weight and parity between postdate group and control group. A positive correlation between postdate and control group as regard Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) which was lower in postdate group. We had no statistically significant difference between both groups as regard UA-PI, MCA-PI, UA-RI and MCA-RI (P>0.05). By studying the relation between AFI and fetal outcome among control group, we found that normal outcome is associated with higher AFI, compared to adverse outcome group with statistically significant difference in between both groups (P

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