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Prof. Lamiaa Abdallah Ahmed Elrefaei :: Supervised MSc:

Title In progress/Completed
Arabic Text Watermarking Completed
A Multimodal Biometric System Completed
Dynamic User Authentication on Smart Phones Based on Touchscreen Completed
A Secure Gait Based Recognition System Completed
Content based- image retrieving of Arabic manuscripts Completed
Iris Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks Completed
Automated identification of abnormal metaphase chromosome cells for the recognition of most common trisomies Completed
A Deep Learning Based Biometric System Completed
Multi-Modal Biometric System Based on Palm Lines and Hand Vein Completed
Age Estimation from Facial Images Using Deep Learning Completed
A Person Re-identification System Completed
Automatic detection of violence in schools Completed
Automated system for chromosome karyotyping to recognize the most common numerical abnormalities using deep learning Completed
Template Security for Touch-Based Gesture Authentication System Completed
Task Offloading For Mobile Edge Computing In Progress
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