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Dr. Lamia mostafa kamel ahmed :: Publications:

The Effectiveness Of Using Sound Effects Accompanying The Instructional Video To Achieve Some Objectives Of Exhibitions And Museums Course Among The Instructional Technology Section Students In Faculties Of Specific Education
Authors: Lamiaa Mostafa Kamel Mohammad
Year: 2009
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Lamia mostafa kamel ahmed_Summary.doc
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Introduction: The instructional videos are one of the important learning resources in the educational process because they have various characteristics. Sound effects in particular play a very important role because they lead to emotional atmosphere that enable the learner to be engaged with the program which, in turn, leads to learning improvement. The problem of the present study has been tackled through answering the following main question: - What is the effectiveness of using sound effects accompanying the instructional video to achieve some objectives of exhibitions and museums course among the instructional technology section students in faculties of specific education? It was divided into four sub-questions: 1. What are the criteria required in the sound effects accompanying the instructional video? 2. What are the skills required for the preparation of an instructional museum? 3. What is the form of the suggested program for developing the instructional technology section students' skills in the preparation of an instructional museum? 4. What is the effectiveness of instructional video program designed according to the criteria of using sound effects in to achieve some objectives of exhibitions and museums course (achievement test, design criteria list and attitude scale towards museum) among the instructional technology section students in faculties of specific education? Study Objectives: The present study aimed at: 1. Defining the criteria required for the preparation of an instructional museum. 2. Identifying the skills required for the preparation of an instructional museum. 3. Defining the criteria required for the use of sound effects. 4. Examining the effectiveness of video program based on the use of sound effects to achieve some objectives of exhibitions and museums course. Study Significance: The significance of the present study was stated as follows: 1. Overcoming the lack of instructional technology section students' skills in the preparation of an instructional museum according to definite and specific academic criteria. 2. Throwing more light on the importance of sound effects and their effect on comprehension and achievement in instructional video programs 3. Drawing the attention to the use of technical components in the production of video programs, especially the different sound elements. Study Hypotheses: 1. There are statistically significant mean differences at 0.01 between the scores means of the experimental group and those of the control group on the achievement post-test, in favour of the former. 2. There are statistically significant mean differences at 0.01 between the scores means of the experimental group and those of the control group on the design criteria checklist performance of final product (museum), in favour of the former. 3. There are statistically significant mean differences at 0.01 between the scores means of the experimental group on the achievement pre-test and those of the post-test, in favour of the latter. 4. There are statistically significant mean differences at 0.01 between the scores means of the experimental group on design criteria checklist performance of final product (museum) as a pre-application and those of the post-application, in favour of the latter. Study Tools: The following tools were used in the present study: 1. An achievement test. 2. Design criteria checklist for measuring the students' performance. 3. An attitude scale towards museum. Study Method: The analytical descriptive method was used to review the related literature so as to define the design criteria. The experimental method was also used in the present study to examine the effectiveness of the independent variable in the dependent one. Study Sample: The study sample was drawn randomly. It consisted of 100 male and female students from instructional technology section, first year, the faculty of specific education at Benha, Benha University. It was divided into two groups: experimental (n= 50) and control (n= 50). Study Procedures: 1. Reviewing the previous studies and literature related to the instructional museums. 2. Preparing a list of criteria required for the design of an instructional museum. 3. Preparing a list of educational and technical criteria required for the sound effects in an instructional video. 4. Identifying the skills list necessary for the preparation of an instructional museum. 5. Submitting the skills list to a jury of specialists in instructional technology for judging its validity. 6. Designing the suggested multimedia course and judging its validity by a jury of specialists. 7. Developing and producing a video program and judging its content by a jury of experts in the field. 8. Developing the study tools: An achievement test, Design criteria checklist for measuring the students' performance, and An attitude scale towards museum. 9. Piloting the program and the tools. 10. Drawing the study sample. 11. Experimenting the program. 12. Administering the achievement test and the design criteria checklist as a pre-application. 13. Experimenting the suggested video program to the experimental group. 14. Administering the achievement test and the design criteria checklist as a post-application. 15. Interpreting the findings and suggesting some recommendations. Study Findings: 1. There were statistically significant mean differences at 0.01 between the scores means of the experimental group and those of the control group on the achievement post-test, in favour of the former. 2. There were statistically significant mean differences at 0.01 between the scores means of the experimental group and those of the control group on the design criteria checklist performance of final product (museum), in favour of the former. 3. There were statistically significant mean differences at 0.01 between the scores means of the experimental group on the achievement pre-test and those of the post-test, in favour of the latter. 4. There were statistically significant mean differences at 0.01 between the scores means of the experimental group on design criteria checklist performance of final product (museum) as a pre-application and those of the post-application, in favour of the latter.

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