Weaning is the gradual introduction of solid food other than breast milk or formula. The aim of this study was to assess mother’s knowledge and practice regarding weaning and identify problems associated with mother’s weaning faults. This study was descriptive design conducted at outpatient clinic of Pediatrics Hospital, Benha University during the period of March 2003 up to June 2003. The sample composed of two hundred of mothers and their children who met the required criteria. The tool of data collection was a structured questionnaire sheet that designed to collect socio-demographic data about mothers and their children, mothers’ knowledge about breast –feeding, mothers’ needs deficit about weaning of their children such as concept, timing, process, also mother’s practices of weaning regarding time of weaning, pattern of feeding, technique of weaning. The questions were closed and open ended. The results of the present study showed that the mean age of mothers was 29.3 + 6.9, 41.9% of mothers obtained their information about weaning from their own mothers. 52.2% of mothers’ knowledge were poor about the concept of weaning. There was highly statistical significant differences between mothers’ knowledge and practice and their age and level of education. This study concluded that the majority of mothers need to improve their knowledge and practice about weaning of their infants, gastro-enteritis was the main health problem that face children during weaning period. Also there is no any role of the nurse in providing information about weaning for mothers. The study recommended that the nurse should play a key role in the health teaching and counseling mothers both in urban and rural areas, provide information for mothers about weaning of their infants and their feeding.
KEY WORDS : Breast-feeding, Weaning infant.