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Dr. Mageda Abd-Elaty Soliman :: Publications:

The Effect of Training on Head Nurses Time Management Skills at Benha University and Benha Teaching Hospitas
Authors: PROF. DR. Abd EL Rahim Saad Shoulah Prof. Dr., Harisa Mohamed Ali Elshimy Prof., Dr. Samia Mohamed Abdullah Adam Dr. Salwa Ibrahim Mahmoud
Year: 2015
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
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Time management can be viewed as a systematic approach to taking control of the issues that confront people on a day to day basis. This study was carried out to measure the effect of training on head nurses' time management skills acquisition. This was achieved through assessing the knowledge gained regarding to time management, designing an educational program based on the needs of the head nurses in relation to time management, implementing the designed educational program, and evaluating the effect of the educational program, on what extent the head nurses use skills of time management and their knowledge and attitude related to it as a result of attending the program. One –group Pretest-Posttest Design was used where pre-post-follow up program assessment was used in carrying out the study. The present study was conducted at Benha University and Benha Teaching hospitals, over the period from September 2007 to June 2008. The sample consisted of 55 head nurses. The first tool of data collection was time management knowledge questionnaire used to assess the knowledge level that head nurses have regarding to time management, and also to assess their gain after implementation of the designed program. The second tool, time management assessment sheet was used to measure to what extent the head nurses manage their time. The third tool of data collection is delegation scale that was used to assess the head nurses attitude toward delegation. The fourth tool of data collection is time waster questionnaire developed for the purpose to measure factors affecting time management. The results of the present study revealed that, head nurses knowledge and attitude related to time management were deficient in the pre-test and statistically significant improvement in head nurses knowledge and attitude related to time management were noticed through out the post and follow-up phases. According to these results the researcher recommended that in-service training programs about time management must be developed on regular basis, and further research with larger sample to be carried out by head nurses on the factors affecting time management skills. Key words: time management, time wasters, delegation, training

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