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Dr. Mageda Abd-Elaty Soliman :: Publications:

The Effect of Evidence-Based Guidelines on Nurses, Performance in Respect to Nosocomial Infection at Medical-Surgical and Obstetrician Departments
Authors: Mageda A. S. Arafat1, Abeer Yahia Mahdy2, Mirfat M. L. El-Kashif3
Year: 2018
Keywords: Evidence-Based Guidelines (EBG), nosocomial infection, healthcare-associated infection (HAI)
Journal: American Journal of Nursing Research
Volume: 6
Issue: 6
Pages: 507-514
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mageda Abd-Elaty Soliman_evidence based guidlines.pdf
Supplementary materials Mageda Abd-Elaty Soliman_evidence based guidlines.pdf

Background: Nurses are healthcare workers that play an essential role in the control of hospital infection, protect patients from hospital required infection and leads to better control of diseases. As long as, nurses, midwives, and healthcare support workers. Healthcare staff should have an adequate level of performance regarding hospital infection. Aim: Assess the effect of evidence-based guidelines on Nurse's performance in respect to nosocomial infection at medical-surgical and obstetrician department. Subjects and Methods: A pretest-posttest questionnaire design was used in this study to assess the effect of evidence-based guidelines on performance among nurses for infection control at Benha University Hospital. Sample: the total 110 nurses enrolled in this study (60) nurses in the internal medicine department, (30) nurses in the surgical department and (20) nurses in the obstetric department, nurses who their experience at least one year. With different, Age 20- 50 years old had been selected .Results: The present study showed that there were statistically significant differences in the level of knowledge, the practice of infection control methods, nurses attitude regarding nosocomial infection control before and immediately after induction of the guidelines,( MH7.220, P

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