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Ass. Lect. Maha Saeid Mohamed Abdalla Khalil :: Publications:

Comparative studies between the efficiency of some nanomaterials and their conventional analogues on some insects.
Authors: Maha.S.Khalil, Safaa.M.Halawa, M.M.Azab and Amany.R.Morsy
Year: 2023
Keywords: nanotechnology, essential oils, insects, bioassay, lethal concentration, biochemical studies, molecular analysis, semi field
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Maha Saeid Mohamed Abdalla Khalil_Summary .pdf
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This study has proved that oils nanoemulsions were more effective on Galleria mellonella and Spodoptera littoralis than their conventional forms. - The tested oils bulk and their nanoemulsions increased the AChE activity and decreased GST in all treatments except citronella nanoemulsion which caused a significant increase, and there was a significant decrease in alpha esterase enzymes for all treatments except sage nanoemulsion which increased the enzymes of G. mellonella larvae compared to the control. - Mustard and citronella bulk and nanoemulsions caused a highly significant increase in AChE activity, there was a significant decrease in GST enzyme for mustard, citronella bulk oil, and mustard nanoemulsion, and there was a significant decrease in all treatments of alpha esterase activities compared with the control. - The highest mutagenic insecticidal effects on the Spodoptera littoralis DNA was observed in the LC50 of mustard oil and its nanoemulsion. -The highest mutagenic effects were observed in the LC50 of citronella bulk and its nanoemulsion on Galleria mellonella. - Mustard and nanoemulsions of citronella, sage, and mustard have no phytotoxic effects on tomato plant. While, citronella and sage oils caused the complete wilting of the treated plants. - Mustard, citronella and sage nanoemulsions showed positive responses of different anatomical aspects of treated plant leaves. - It was concluded that, the studied nanoemulsions of tested oils were more effective than their conventional forms against tested insects, but they cannot be recommended for use before conducting extensive toxicological and environmental studies to demonstrate their safety for both humans and the environment.

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