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Assist. maha ahmed mohamed abo elkher :: Publications:

Studying Problems Facing New Integrated Program Students at Benha Faculty of Medicine
Authors: Maha Ahmed Mohamed Abuelkher Afifi, Sohad Abdelaziz Mostafa, Omayma Mahmoud Hassan, Eman Mahmoud Shebl, Omnia Mohammed Anwer.
Year: 2022
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper maha ahmed mohamed abo elkher_review 1Dec.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Education is considered as the most important step towards achieving any goal in many technological eras. It is also directly linked with an individual’s wellbeing and personality (Tabroni et al., 2022). Medical professionals around the world are tasked with the responsibility of graduating well-educated and competent graduate medical student. This desired outcome can be achieved by ensuring satisfactory academic performance and academic success (Stadler et al., 2021). Many medical students face different academic difficulties in which they are unable to meet the academic standards set for preclinical or clinical stages of the course. So, it is important to explore how medical students make sense of their academic difficulties, because their beliefs about the causes of their difficulties influence how they treat with support processes and remediation programs (Kirtchuk et al., 2022). Academic factors affect academic performance include Classroom attendance, prior academic achievement (i.e., GPA or grade-point average) and the concepts of self-regulated learning (SRL) (Kirtchuk et al., 2022). Classroom attendance have a great impact on academic performance. It is an important issue for both students and their lecturers. So, the association between students’ class attendance and academic performance had been the subject of several studies in a wide variety of courses (Elbilgahy et al., 2021). For students, class attendance is an important factor in developing competence, which create a positive relationship with higher academic performance of the student. So, many studies identify that classroom attendance is

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