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Dr. Maha Ismaiel Elhelbawey :: Publications:

Psychodynamic study for parental lose) Jan. 07, Benha University Magazine..Jan
Authors: Dr. Maha Elhelbawey
Year: 2007
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Maha Ismaiel Elhelbawey_PAPER_01.pdf
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1. Back Ground: Eating disorders is a very common problem; especially in children, adolescents & women. According to DSM – IV (4) Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – IV. Up to 90% in females. Anorexia Nervosa is characterized by a failure to maintain body weight of at least 85% of what is expected, fear of becoming “ FAT “. Many studies showed that Anorexia is a very elusive & dangerous eating disorder. 2. Research Design: Despite pf the studies that developed programs for children, adolescents & families; studies to determine if a focus of interpersonal relations might not be more effective that a focus on the disordered eating behaviors were needed. Anorexia Nervosa has been examined from an etiopathopgenic & psychoanalytical view point by Corcos, Maurice - Evolution psychiatrique (April 2003). Also 27 cases of Anorexia Nervosa had been studied using Rorschach by Rossi, G.; Schweizer, K.; Colli, C.; (December 2000). The current study is a deep clinical study focuses on the Psychopathological history of an anoretic symptoms Egyptian Girl. A 23 year old Egyptian Girl complaining of losing weight, vomitting, fear, anxiety & nervous colon. 3. Object: Distorted body image, psychotic signs, disturbed relationship with mother in the early childhood & lack of body messages that influences a normal body image were highly recorded with Anorexia Nervosa. Parents, Friends, Media & the sociocultural norms. Pressure has been indicated. Most of the patients resisted treatment. The applications & limitations of various methodologies & techniques that have been used to assess both the perceptual & the attitudinal components of body image had been discussed. 4. Instruments: She has got deep interviews & HTP drawing test “Projective Test”. 5. According to the case history, interviews & the results of the test; the case shows:  Subsequences of aggressive mother were disturbed relationship with her since the early childhood, strong attachment with her father as a substitute object. Vomiting & losing weight were figures of substitute attached object (the dead father).  Anxiety, fear & sleep disorders were the result of her projective process towards her mother & the outsider world. These aggressive projectives were structured by aggressive mother + aggressive fantasies + losing the substituted rescuing object “ the father “ .  Feelings of fallingness, weakness, depressive attitudes, aggression, adaptation disorder & disturbed body image.  Aggressive “Psychotic Signs” towards mother, outside world & self “ Disturbed Body Image “ .

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